Java static block is the group of statements that gets executed when the class is loaded into memory by Java ClassLoader. It is used to initialize static variables of the class. Mostly it’s used to create static resources when class is loaded. The finalize() is a special method in Object class that we can override in our classes. This method gets called by the garbage collector when the object is getting garbage collected.

Is Empty .java file name a valid source file name?

Streams can be parallelized to whatever extent multiple CPU cores are available. Creating a new object with the same state as an existing object called Object Cloning in Java. This can be achieved by implementing the Cloneable interface and overriding the clone() method in the class. The string class is immutable but the other two are mutable in nature. StringBuffer is synchronous whereas the StringBuilder is asynchronous.

What is the final blank variable?

Dynamically expanding array lists make it possible to add new elements at any time. The underlying data structure of the ArrayList is an array of the Object class. The ArrayList class in Java has three constructors. There are available readObject and writeObject methods specific to it. There are implemented and Serialization-capable versions of RandomAccess, Cloneable, and (that are Marker Interface in Java). Primitive data types like int, float, and others are typically present in an array.

Does Java work as a “pass by value” or “pass by reference” phenomenon?

All we need is to annotate these methods with @ExceptionHandler annotation. If a child class inherits the property from multiple classes is known as multiple java interview questions for senior developer inheritance. When a method is declared final then it can’t be overridden by the inheriting class. This program prompts the user to enter a string.

Write a Program to remove duplicates in an ArrayList.

A memory leak happens when the garbage collector cannot remove – and the system cannot reference –  unused objects. If the garbage collector doesn’t free this memory, this creates a memory leak. Knowing why these methods are recommended is important – check if candidates can explain this. For example, they might know that constructors make injecting values into immutable fields easy and enable the program to read them more easily. If you’re having problems building your Core Java interview questions list, there’s no need to worry. Here are 49 questions you can ask experienced candidates to evaluate their abilities and knowledge.

  1. Some important characteristics of a HashMap are its capacity, its load factor and the threshold resizing.
  2. Heap and Stack are two types of memory in Java used for storing data.
  3. What is the difference between Array and ArrayList?

Every time, an object is created using the new keyword, the default constructor of the class is called. The name of the constructor must be similar to the class name. The constructor must not have an explicit return type. There are two types of Java constructors – default and parameterized. When no parameters are defined, the constructor is called a default constructor.

Do you understand why attention to detail is crucial for Core Java developers?

Annotations offer a more flexible and expressive way to attach metadata to classes and methods. However, marker interfaces still have their place in certain contexts and are part of the Java language’s design and heritage. Marker interfaces are purely a convention and serve as a form of metadata. They provide a way for developers or frameworks to identify classes that meet certain criteria without requiring any additional methods or fields.

If a class is comprised of another class, it is simple to create a mock object to simulate the combined class for testing purposes. Even while Composition and Inheritance both let you reuse code, Inheritance has the drawback of breaking encapsulation. If the function of the subclass depends on the superclass’s action, it suddenly becomes vulnerable.

It makes developers convey their intentions making the code more expressive and safer. Optional can guard against NullPointerExceptions by offering methods like orElse, orElseGet, and orElseThrow that act as default values providers or handlers absent itself. Java interface is a completely abstract class referred to as a collection of abstract methods, static methods, and constants. It acts as a blueprint of a class that groups related methods or functions with empty bodies. Java offers a comprehensive Collection API that presents a multitude of beneficial methods applicable to a group of objects. Noteworthy classes within the Collection API encompass ArrayList, HashMap, TreeSet, and TreeMap.

It’s certainly not going to be easy, but by following this roadmap and guide, you are one step closer to becoming a DevOps engineer. Over the past few years, I have been sharing a lot of Java Interview questions and discussion individually. Many of my readers have requested that I bring them together so that they can have them in the same spot. Post your query in the Intellipaat Community space, and we will get back to you. A collection is a framework that is used to store and manipulate a container of objects in Java.

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